My Name is Tamara Reyes

And I am a Breast Cancer Survivor.

I was diagnosed at 34 years old with invasive ductal carcinoma (HER 2 Positive). I received my double masectomy the day before Thanksgiving in 2009, proceeded by a year and a half of chemotherapy and multiple surgeries, including a full hysterectomy. I am a mother of two awesome children, Hailie (11) and Kaden (9), and married to a wonderful supportive husband, John.

Throughout my journey with cancer, I noticed how many people were impacted and saved by early detection. I believe I'm here today because of my early detection, since breast cancer doesn't run in my family.

Over the years there has been much controversy over whether insurance will pay for mammograms, and debate over what age they would cover the test. Through fundraising, my mission is to provide testing services for individuals that do not have insurance, or do not qualify through insurance standards. In the past three years we have raised enough money to fund 87 mammograms for women in need.

I am currently in the middle of writing a book titled “Free Boob Job” that should be completed by end of 2015. My goal with my book is to encourage others that are on a similar journey, share my experiences so others can relate, and assist others to see the positive side of such life changing illness.

My goal overall is to be there for my survivor sisters and brothers! I am here to help in any way!